An Open Letter on Entrepreneurship

By September 4, 2015Newsroom

My Fellow Americans…

We are at a cross-roads. This is a watershed moment in American history. We’ve just gone through the worst recession since the great Depression, and while there are signs of a recovery, it’s fragile at best. And many argue that we will dip back into recession before we experience a solid recovery and if we do, even then, things will never be the same again.

And it goes beyond economic conditions. Our infrastucture is aging and in need of repair. Our military is over-stretched and fighting wars where expectations and purpose aren’t entirely clear. Our national annual budget deficit is the largest in history and our national debt is growing exponentially to the point where now a majority of our tax bill does not go to work building a great nation, but rather pays the interest on the debt we owe to foreign countries. And perhaps most significantly, we’ve lost what’s made us great as a nation. We were a determined and innovative people, not only in search of financial success and wealth but more importantly, in search of achievement and contribution to our citizens and to the world. We were known as a creative people heralded by all citzens of the world for advancing civilization and leading the way in innovation.

The only thing that will bring us out of this mess is to return to our roots. We must return to the spirit and ideals that forged this great country from the beginning. We need a renewed spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, we need a revived and invigorated work ethic with a real sense of purpose, and by doing so, we will spawn new businesses and create new opportunities to put people back to work and in doing so, cure our unemployment problem.

It all starts with a bold desire to innovate and to create new early stage enterprises. Let’s embrace our golden past while looking forward to our bright future.  The time is now. And we may never get a second chance. The time is now. The time is now.